14 Feb

Click Medical: Adjustable Socket vs Static Socket

Click Medical: Adjustable Socket vs Static Socket Click Medical: Adjustable Socket vs Static Socket Click Medical: Adjustable Socket vs Static Socket

The Results Are In! 

The test subjects provided invaluable insights throughout the study with the preference for adjustable sockets to static sockets. With that, 100% of the test subjects agreed they preferred an adjustable socket to a static socket.

Furthermore, 100% of the test subjects agreed that micro-adjustability provides a better all day fit, with 92% agreeing their mobility increased whilst using an adjustable socket, which highlights a positive impact on the patient’s daily activities. Additionally, 97% of test subjects agreed their adjustable socket was more comfortable than a static socket, which is an important factor when improving the usability of a prosthesis.
The Practitioners in the study also provided Click Medical with some insights when using the RevoFit for their patients. 88% of Practitioners expressed their agreement on the positive impact to the RevoFit’s adjustability increased the patient’s mobility, compared to a static socket. Additionally, 75% of Practitioners agreed that the RevoFit’s adjustability improved the overall health of their patients.

Read more about Click Medical's Adjustable solutions below: 

Click Medical Range